
Hi there!

My name is Laura and I am exploring my thriving (and challenging) twenties trying to balance travel, fitness, relationships, healthy eating and work. I wanted to start this blog as a way to celebrate each and every day as I am constantly on the go and amazed by the things I have experienced. This is also meant to serve as a living journal of the things I see, places I travel and items that get me from day to day.

Work Party

Work Party

Johnson, Jaclyn. Work Party. New York: Gallery Books, 2018. (233 pages)

First sentence: “You arent good or bad at anything you havent tried.”

Plot/ Premise: This book is written by the CEO and Founder of Create & Cultivate with a focus on how to create and cultivate the career of your dreams. Jaclyn shares her successes, failures and lessons learned about starting her own business in LA in her early twenties. She had moved across the country for a new job that didn’t work out and attempted to see that closed door as an open window to pursue her passions. She had a few more failures in her twenties and by her early thirties, she had sold a company and launched Create & Cultivate, while also investing in multiple million dollar projects at the same time. This books lays out her secret to success and how she picked herself up, using her failures as lessons learned to keep moving forward.

My thoughts: I absolutely love books like this because I think its great to read about people who were truly fearless in the pursuit of a career that aligned with their passions. And one step further they did not give up when they failed because they belived in the value of what they were bringing to the table. You just have to find one person to say yes and believe in your dream to turn it into a reality. Jaclyn Johnson did just that and is one boss babe. This book is filled with pages that have fun Instagram inspiration posts and loads of good advice for anyone starting their own business or thinking about pursuing a career they are passionate about, but might be very different than their current day job.

I bought this book and almost immediately after I finished it I had purchased a ticket to the Create & Cultivate conference: The Vision Summit in Miami, FL. I am so glad that I did because I got a first hand experience on how influential it is to be in a room of entrepreneurs, creative people at different companys and in the presence of some of the best speakers changing the way to the world views women in business from Venus Williams to Iskra Lawrence, Brenna Huckaby and so many more. One of my favorite takeaways from this event was “Collaboration over Competition.” I think this is so important to remember because we are constantly put up against our peers to outperform them for promotions and job opportunities that sometimes we forget how powerful we are when we work together to achieve something. We all have different skills and strengths that we bring to the table that make up unique and we should remember that when it can sometimes feel like our peers are out competition rather that someone we can collaborate with. I highly recommend attending at least one of these conferences if you are looking to learn a new skill, grow your network or just want to try some new beauty products out.

A Simple Favor

A Simple Favor

Sharp Objects

Sharp Objects